FF IX is more than game for me. It is a strong bond I have with my own childhood, capable of triggering in my mind soothing emotions, full of nostalgia, fun and candor. But, beyond what I feel and I am sure there are many out there that share with me these emotions, FFIX still is my favorite Square game, and feels like the pinnacle of Art in video game form from the PS1 era. Along with many other classics on the platform, gems created by Squaresoft like Legend of Mana and Brave Fencer Musashi, and Enix too, like Tomb Raider and Valkyrie Profile, FFIX is one of the main reasons I still play video games. And like I do with Sony exclusives, every time I see a Square game being announced, I keep my eyes on it as a long time fan. As a fan, as well, I would like to ask for, if possible, an update to the backgrounds in the game; something that would make these so beautiful, detailed and well done pieces of art to shine again in present platforms exactly like the 3D models and updated videos. Even though I keep waiting for a remake in the veins of the FFVII remake, experiencing this Classic in full glory would warm my heart beyond any level. Since its a game that be it via Storytelling, well written script and wonderfully animated CGI, or in details like scenery animation and NPC interactions/dialogue, this game is still very impressing, and keep being played by older and recent generations; something I am sure I will do until the end of my life...
ViscerART about FINAL FANTASY Ⅸ, v1.3.5